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Genetics accounts for only about 10% of the risk of developing an autoimmune condition. 1 Inflammatory environmental factors (aka root causes or triggers), which lead to intestinal hyperpermeability (aka a leaky gut), account for 90% of the equation. The lion’s share of the equation are lifestyle factors we can control! I call them F.I.G.H.T.S.™ for Food, Infections, Gut health, Hormone balance, Toxins and Stress. Each category encompasses both the root cause and the solution.


Eat To Beat Autoimmune and Strengthen Your Immunity

Food isn't like medicine. Food IS medicine. Learn how to beat autoimmune and prevent infections with food, nutrients, and meal timing.

Beat Autoimmune with Baby Steps: Nourish Yourself Daily

Simple, foundational strategies help you calm your nervous system and nourish yourself so you can heal and thrive.

Top 10 Autoimmune Trigger Foods

To reverse autoimmune conditions it's important to remove foods that create leaky gut and over-burden the immune system. These are the top culprits that perpetuate autoimmunity.

Is Everyone Affected by Gluten?

"An estimated 99 percent of people who have a problem with eating gluten don’t even know it. They ascribe their ill health or symptoms to something else–not gluten sensitivity, which is 100 percent curable." -- Mark Hyman, MD

Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers: Start With Food

No doubt about it, food offers the biggest bang for your buck in terms of healing. Just removing your trigger foods and adding in nourishing ones can put you well on your way to healing, reversing and preventing autoimmune conditions. Learn which ones are the culprits and which ones are beneficial.


Simple Strategies to Strengthen Your Immune System

This is arguably the best time to strengthen and optimize immune function. Learn simple strategies for modern times with roots in primal cultures.

Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers You Control: Infections

Infections and autoimmune conditions go hand in hand. Learn about the common infection connection and what you can do to clear infections and beat autoimmune.

Raise Your Metabolism to Clear Infections and Beat Autoimmune

A low and slow metabolism (hypometabolism) is associated with autoimmunity and greater risk of infections. Learn simple strategies to raise your metabolism to clear infections and beat autoimmune.

Rejuvenate Your Immune System to Beat Autoimmune

Infections like Lyme, Candida, and parasites are common with autoimmune disorders. Learn how to rejuvenate and unburden your immune system.


Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers You Can Control: Leaky Gut

Hippocrates was right: All disease begins in the gut, and so does health. Learn about the connection between leaky gut and autoimmune conditions; and then how to heal and seal your gut to reverse autoimmunity.


Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers: Hormone Imbalances

To reverse and prevent autoimmune conditions you must address your root causes head on. Good news: hormones are downstream from the other F.I.G.H.T.S.â„¢ factors! Learn how to balance your hormones naturally to beat autoimmune.


10 Ways to Lighten Your Toxic Load

Toxins are The Big Reason autoimmune disorders are epidemic. Here are ten things you can do to lighten your toxic load right away.

Beat Autoimmune with Baby Steps: Detox Daily

If you want to reverse or prevent an autoimmune condition, you've got to identify and remove your triggers. The first step is not what to add but what to remove.

Banish Belly Fat to Beat Autoimmune

Belly fat is a big risk factor for insulin resistance, diabetes, autoimmune conditions, and Alzheimer's. The combo of fasting and a keto diet works!

Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers You Control: Toxins

Stealthy but powerful toxins are driving the autoimmune epidemic. Learn how to clean up your own environment to get on and stay on the path to good health.


My 10 Essential Holiday Stress Melters

The holidays can be a source of stress and sadness for many. Good news, here are eight free, easy and scientifically-proven strategies to lift your spirits any time of year.

Get Good Sleep to Beat Autoimmune

Poor sleep is a hallmark of autoimmune disorders. Restorative sleep is imperative for optimal immune system functioning. Learn simple science-based strategies to get good sleep.

Manifesto for Healing Autoimmune Conditions

Healing is a multi-layered journey involving body, mind and spirit. To fully reclaim your health, it’s essential to address ALL areas. Which will you try today?

Beat Autoimmune with Baby Steps: Prioritize Emotional Wellbeing

Healing from autoimmune disorders is a WHOLE-istic journey, involving mind, body and spirit. This step is all about tending to your emotional wellbeing. If you skip this step, healing may be elusive or incomplete.

Beat Autoimmune with Baby Steps: How to Have a Healing Mindset

Healing is a mind-body-spirit adventure, and it starts with embracing a healing mindset. Because whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right!

Featured Podcasts

Detoxification for Chronic Illness: Effective Daily Practices & Treatments with Dr....

Sangita Pedro, ND and I discuss how to embrace a detox lifestyle that supports your body’s natural healing processes.

Unlocking Wellness: Scott Forsgren’s Comprehensive 11-Step Approach to Lyme & Mold...

Scott Forsgren, FDN-P, is a health coach, blogger, podcaster, health writer and advocate. In this episode we discuss Scott's 21-year journey through Lyme disease and mold illness, and he walks us through his 11-step approach to Lyme and Mold healing

Unlocking Wellness: Scott Forsgren’s Comprehensive 11-Step Approach to Lyme & Mold...

Scott Forsgren, FDN-P, is a health coach, blogger, podcaster, health writer and advocate. In this episode we discuss Scott's 21-year journey through Lyme disease and mold illness, and he walks us through his 11-step approach to Lyme and Mold healing
Food Bowl

What's the best diet to beat autoimmune? The one that works for YOU.

Your FREE Optimal Food Guide will help you discover your trigger foods, learn about occasional foods, and land on your optimal foods. To your best health!